Narthaki- May 14, 2016
Fascinating ‘Seetapaharana’ in San Francisco Bay area
The divinity of Ramayana is so eternal that it is a tireless and fresh experience even when you watch it for the 100th time, add a few more zeroes, it does not matter. And when the Yakshas tell the story in a colloquial style with enchanting music, dance, drama, costumes, makeup and much more, imagine how good life can get. Such was the experience when Idagunji Mahaganapati Yakshagana Mandali of Uttara Kannada District of Karnataka perform the “Seetapaharana” episode of Ramayana. The troupe performed to a packed crowd of about 400 spellbound rasikas.
The Hindu- November 26, 2015
Magic created all over again
A vibrant retelling of the ‘Sita Apaharan’ episode kept the audience spellbound
The actors, in colorful costumes, elaborate make-up and dress, enacted the story with an interplay of dance, dialogue and music. This show of Yakshagana reaffirms the faith that the traditional art forms of our country continue to play an important role in keeping alive our rich legacy to storytelling of epics, of maintaining the traditional form even as they are adapted to new ideas more suited to the contemporary milieu.
The Hindu Review, Kerala 2014
“Trust with tradition”
…amazing footwork. Shivananda Hegde stood out as Dhuryodhana, with his body language and facial expressions. He skillfully used the entire face to portray the various emotions of the character. His voice modulations during dialogue delivery were exemplary.
The Music Academy Dance Fest:Chennai,
The country's best Yakshagana troupe
SRUTI 2012
(Indian Premier Magazine for performing Arts)
…the troupe presented Kartaveeryarjuna Kalaga.The episode with dialogues, full of wit and sarcasm, between the two heroes kept the audience spellbound!
Narthaki.com Reviews - 2012
clad in colorful, gorgeous costumes, head dress and elaborate makeupmesmerized the audience with a gripping depiction of Vali Moksha The language was not a barrier and had the rasikas eagerly relishing every scene.The dying scene of Vali was so poignant that the audience watched in pin drop silence, breaking into thunderous applause as the scene ended.
The New Indian Express
..clapped in appreciation for their improvised moves and impromptu dialogue delivery. Keremane Shivananda Hegde is worthy disciple executing vigorous, vibrant and youthful dance.It was a truly edifying experience to see such a quintessence of traditional theatre. Encouragement is due for such laudable efforts for national integration in the realm of art.
- (A Quarterly journal of Indian Dance)
..It is amazing how on a plain stage with no props of any type, these actors are able to create for the audience a situation of war, or fun or whatever the situation from from the epics or Puranas, providing the themes demand.
THE HINDU,New Delhi,
…the most artistically enriching experience…a most evocative performance and abhinaya of a level one rarely experiences today! Yakshagana deserves more exposure in the Capital.
THE TELEGRAPH, Calcutta, India
" Shivananda Hegde's Bheema was outstanding"
“Graceful feats of artistry”
…Witty rejoinders and subtle abhinaya effectively constitute the theatrical element, while the mudras and dexterous foot work bring in the nritta aspect. With bright make-up, glittering costumes and head gear, musical and dancing interludes, Yakshagana is a veritable treat to the senses.
Yakshagana: Unique art form takes center stage in America
The Yakshagana prasanga “Seetapaharana” depicting the kidnapping of Sita by Ravana from the Ramayana was performed by Guru Keremane Shivananda Hegde and his team of 10 members. “The Keremane group performing Seethapaharana was true professionalism and complete nostalgia. Seeing our Uttara and Dakshina Kannada culture in the US was astonishing” commented Rita Havanur, a NKK member.
-NRI PULSE- 20 May 2016
Indian Classical Music
Idagunji Mahaganapati Yakshagana Mandali, Keremane prepares backstage for the 39th annual Cleveland Thyagaraja Festival at Waetjen Auditorium at Cleveland State University on Monday. The group performed a chapter from the mythological Indain epic “Ramayana”.
THE PLAIN DEALER- Wednesday, March 30, 2016
A captivating entry was Yakshagana danced by performer Choreographer Keremane Shivanand Hegde. - Indiana West, USA
I have received very high praise about your performance and the
performance was broadcast in the news as one of the lead items.
Lavanya Prasad, Ambassoder, LAOS
Rare dance experience - New star Times, Malayasia
Many foreign viewers attended the performance despite heavy rain.The group did an excellent job.
Equally inspiring was the Yakshagana performance. This gem of folk theatre from the state of Karnataka is all to rarely seen in Britain. A marvelous piece of bravura acting: alone on stage he used mime, dance and a hundred expressions of his fearlessly mobile eyebrows to show the terror and the downright wickedness of this amiable villain. His troupe proved themselves capable guardian of a glittering theatrical tradition.
May they soon return - PLAYA AND PLAYERS, LONDON.
For the festival, the great actor Keremane Shambhu Hegde brought his company to Britain for the first time. At times, I had the feeling that I was present at a special ritual of hypnotism. The meanings behind gesture and sounds are manifold in Indian philosophy and culture
Colorful and ritual detail movement in full costume and makeup without sets; it is a highly concentrated work